Last night I announced that as of AirWatch 9.1, macadmins now have the ability to begin work on custom MDM.

Presentation slides

You can find my presentation slides here

Open source tools

I also announced a few open source projects that you might be interested in.


DEPNotify is a UI tool for showing your users the status of your DEP enrollment process.

#depnotify on Slack MacAdmins


InstallApplications is a tool I recently open sourced and blogged about in Part 5 . This works around the limitations of mdmclient/InstallApplication.

#installapplications on Slack MacAdmins

It’s an exciting time to be a macadmin

As I said months ago, it’s an exciting time to be a macadmin. We now have vendors that are forward thinking and will allow us to have flexible DEP deployments, custom tailored to each company’s unique requirements.

My company is hiring! :smile:

If you’re as excited as I am, come join our team.

Client Platform Engineer -

Corporate Security Engineer -

Table Of Contents