In my last post I talked about Cacher 3.0. In the past month and a half I have been extraordinarily busy and unfortunately had some outstanding issues on my GitHub. After working on the issues, I realized that documentation on LogClientIdentity is very poor.

Throughout the internet we have documentation that is either incorrect or out-of-date:

The proper command

According to Apple’s official Server documentation, LogClientIdentity is a BOOLEAN value.

LogClientIdentity - false - Determines whether or not the server should log the IP address and port number of the client requesting each asset.

Let’s look at the differences and compare our results from /Library/Server/Caching/Config/Config.plist

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = 1


In this case it is sending a value of 1 send an integer value and not a boolean.

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = true


In this case it is sending a value of true however it is a string and not a boolean.

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = True


In this case it is sending a value of True however it is a string and not a boolean.

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = yes

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = yes


This value returns a boolean.

If we compare this result with another key that comes on all default Caching Server installations (LocalSubnetsOnly), it is clear that, yes, is the correct syntax.


We can run /Applications/ settings caching and also validate the configuration.

/Applications/ settings caching
caching:ServerRoot = "/Library/Server"
caching:LogClientIdentity = yes
caching:LocalSubnetsOnly = yes

LogClientIdentity Hero

Cacher plug

As of Cacher 3.0.3, Cacher will now detect your LogClientIdentity settings and warn if they are incorrectly configured. Whether the value is missing or incorrectly set, you can correct this by running sudo --configureserver

Also, if you attempt to run Cacher on logs without LogClientIdentity, it will now warn you:

WARNING: Found %s logs that did not contain the client identity. These logs have been dropped and are not counted in the statistics. More than likely, LogClientIdentity was incorrectly set or not configured on this date.

Example Cacher runs:

LogClientIdentity is not set

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = true
LogClientIdentity is incorrectly set to: true - Type: str

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = True
LogClientIdentity is incorrectly set to: True - Type: str

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = 1
LogClientIdentity is incorrectly set to: 1 - Type: int

/Applications/ settings caching:LogClientIdentity = yes
Cacher has retrieved the following stats for 2017-02-18:

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