MSC Hero

Customizing munki can be quite rewarding when done right. By utilizing the file you can make a great looking GUI for your users.

Bart Reardon first documented this trick. You can modify (for better or worse) the css Munki utilizes by adding your desired changes directly into the footer_template.html. The following is what I am currently using to make Munki look more like the App Store in Yosemite.

html, body {
    -webkit-background-size: auto;
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 75%, #e1e1e1 100%);
    background-attachment: fixed;

This simply changes the background color to white and adds a subtle gradient to the bottom of the window. You can add CSS to any template file, but the footer_template is on every page view.

Trick 2: Adding an icon to the sidebar (sidebar_template.html)

Adding an icon to the sidebar is quite simple - simply add your .png file to your resources folder and use a relative link. Make sure you center it (and don’t go over 128x128 px) or it will look terrible!

<div class="sidebar">
    <div class="chart titled-box quick-links">
        <h2>Quick Links</h2>
        <div class="content">
           		<div class="artwork">
                	<center><img target="_blank" href="" width="128" height="128" alt="Munki Github" class="artwork" src="custom/resources/MSC.png" />

Trick 3: Linking banners to Optional Installs (showcase_template.html)

This isn’t really a trick, but more of a feature that isn’t completely documented. You can link individual banners to specific items in your repository.

Below you will find three examples: All Categories, Music and iMovie. Make sure you add .html to each item or it will not work.

<div class="showcase">
    <div class="stage" onClick='stageClicked();'>
        <img href="categories.html" alt="Categories" src="custom/resources/App_Store_1.png" />
        <img href="category-Music.html" alt="Music Category" src="custom/resources/Making_Music.png" />
        <img href="detail-iMovie.html" alt="iMovie" src="custom/resources/iMovie.png" />

MSC Screenshot

Erik’s Sweet Giveaway (Oprah Style)

Attached below are several banners that I have modified from the Mac App Store. These banners are the correct dimension (1158x200) and configured in a way so no matter how small MSC is, items will not be cut off. Enjoy!

MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner MSC Banner

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